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UK: new campaign „Stop Bayer‚s GM Crops“

Protesters occupy Bayer offices

new website: www.stopbayergm.org

Over the next few months the government is expected to reach a decision on whether to allow the commercial growing of GM crops in the UK, which could begin as early as next spring. The environment and our health is under threat.

Bayer Cropscience own all the varieties set to become Britain‘s first commercial GM crops. As the primary company set to profit from commercialisation, a national campaign targeting Bayer Cropscience has the potential to halt the development of GM crops in the UK.

Stop Bayer‚s GM Crops is a national umbrella campaign for all groups and individuals who wish to stop the commercial growing of GM crops. Actions have already been taken against Bayer‘s plans to commerialise GM crops (see below).

The past five years has seen thousands of people across the UK engage in diverse forms of action to resist genetic engineering. As the battle to stop the genetic pollution of the UK reaches its final stage, a new direction for direct action can prevent widespread planting of GM across the UK.

Thursday 25th of September has been called as a national day of action against Bayer Cropscience – get involved, organise an action!
By targetting Bayer Cropscience and making GM crops economically unviable, we can stop the commercial growing of GM food regardless of the government‚s „decision“.

Stop Bayer‘s GM Crops!

Protesters occupy Bayer offices
On Friday 12th September to coincide with the WTO talks in Cancun, a group of 15 concerned citizens occupied a Bayer office in Humberside, UK and stopped work there, to demonstrate against the corporatisation of health and agriculture, and to make it clear we dont want the commercialisation of GM in the UK.

The only 3 Staff there were friendly, gave us biscuits and generally agreed with alot we said. So much for hard edged corporate capitalism, but this was humberside. Still, another tweek of the nose of a big corporate nasty.

Bayer Offices In Newbury Disrupted
On Wednesday 27th August 2003 around 15 people made their way to the Newbury offices of Bayer to occupy and disrupt them as part of the anti-Bayer/No GM commercialisation campaign.

We arrived in Newbury at around lunchtime. After a swift drive-by recce of the offices, we approached with a couple of smartly dressed people 50 metres in front of the rest of us to help gain entry. When they arrived at the front door it was found to be open, so we all rushed in. Just behind these glass front doors was a turnstile barrier that required a security pass. We jumped this, pursued by the few permanent security guards stationed there. A couple of people managed to gain access to the rest of the office complex through coded doors, whilst everybody else shouted and hung a banner in the large foyer. Leaflets explaining why Bayer was now the number one anti-GM target were distributed inside the offices and canteen. Fire alarms were set off, although they didn’t evacuate the building. Everybody was swiftly asked to leave, which they did, and a few cops turned up and chatted to the Bayer security and receptionists. No arrests were made.

We stayed outside with our banner and air horns, occasionally circling the offices and looking for weak points for return visits. A couple of employees approached us for leaflets. Eventually after an hour or so we moved into Newbury town centre, walking slowly down the main road behind our banner, and explaining to local residents why we were targeting Bayer. Retiring to a local pub, we plotted our return…

Quick Links:
Action Reports: http:www.stopbayergm.org/actions/
Take Action against Bayer Cropscience: http:
Report an Action: http:www.stopbayergm.org/actions/report.html
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Subscribe to the mailing list: http://www.stopbayergm.org/subscribe.php